Monday, 16 September 2024

A deep wish is fulfilled

Lyubka Tancheva


e introduced ourselves. Her name was Lyubka Thansheva, she was a Professor of Brain Science and came from Bulgaria. She had also come to Israel to volunteer at the same conference as me, but in between she wanted to do research at the large Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem. wherever she stayed for the foreseeable future. We clicked immediately. and because we might not see each other that often in all the hustle and bustle, we exchanged address details. We were the same age. During our conversation in the hall, I was gently tapped on the shoulder by a tall dark man wearing a large hat. 

I had already seen him standing, leaning against a pillar. Apparently he was also there waiting for someone. I looked in amazement into a pair of large, gentle eyes. All he said to me was; You are a very special women in the eye of God. What a wonderful experience, I had to process this for a while. Later I saw him again in the House on the Mountain, where he also turned out to be doing volunteer work. Once he nodded kindly to me, but never spoke to me further. 

After half an hour we saw more and more people joining our profession and we got to know more people. Finally we were asked to go to the bus that was waiting for us outside to take us to our accommodation address 'House on the Mountain'. We had a nice chat and sometimes sang a song. This gave me even more time to get to know Lyubka and that was really nice. As sisters we said goodbye and hoped to meet again at the conference.

Stories Adriana

On this page you can find al the stories about  Adriana and her life with Yeshua and her love for Israel.
adriana israel