Friday, 03 May 2024

A new year lay ahead of me, how would my life continue?


sat, a little dazed, looking at the official divorce letter in my hands. He had just fallen on the mat. It was real, our divorce was a fact. I felt neither joy nor sadness. A marriage of almost 40 years had now really come to an end. I didn't want to dwell on it too long, because I had already done enough of that in previous years. No, head up and shoulders straight. Now there was work to be done.

John had let me know in a letter that he had ended up in a good Christian shelter and there he had found his way back to God. Was freed from alcohol, drugs and also from smoking. He read his Bible a lot again and that gave me a grateful and comforting feeling. He also asked me for the sake of the children if we could carefully build a new friendship, but that's all, he wrote emphatically. It seemed too early to think about these things.  I went back to our own house more often to keep track of everything, because it was still for sale. It was a bad time for the housing market. I was still working in the laundromat and luckily I was able to work overtime more often.

At the beginning of the year, everyone was asked to hand in their holiday schedule. Many colleagues had divided their 5 weeks well over 3 holiday periods. I only had one desire: to go back to Israel. I saw another call for volunteers in the magazine of Tom Hess, leader of a worldwide prayer ministry.  I once attended one of his conferences with Fia, which we were greatly blessed by. And now I got the chance to go there as a volunteer. It was to be held a week before the Feast of Tabernacles, which gave me time to save some money. Unfortunately I did not receive free room and board, you had to bring an amount of 650.00 euros. That was a bit different in Carmel.

It could have been paid for a large part of my holiday allowance, but then I wouldn't have a plane ticket yet. But the Lord again provided in a special way. My dear friend Martha had deposited money into my account again. for a ticket to Israel.I was able to sign up as a volunteer and had no idea what would come of it!


Stories Adriana

On this page you can find al the stories about  Adriana and her life with Yeshua and her love for Israel.
adriana israel