Thursday, 02 May 2024

Again to Israel, continued


t the Christ Church hotel we met Chana again, the Dutch volunteer we met on our first visit to Israel.
We told her that we were going to visit the settlement that we supported as a municipality that day, because we were also allowed to bring a nice amount there. Chana had been working in Israel for many years but had never visited a settlement. We invited her to join us and this great opportunity was like a miracle for her. It was a beautiful settlement with 'Self Support'.

koenWe were warmly welcomed and shown around the company. We were grateful to be able to help make several much-needed facilities possible. When we returned to our hotel late in the afternoon, we saw our guide from our first visit to Israel walking by. He asked us if we were planning to do anything, otherwise he wanted to show us the place Silo, which afterwards was a nice ride through deserted land. On the way we stopped once more and he shared with great passion his vision from a biblical perspective about the future of God's people.

Shiloh was where the Ark of the Covenant had stood for a long time. Once there we climbed a Watchman's Post and were deeply impressed by the beautiful country. There we proclaimed together God's peace and protection. Suddenly the thought occurred to me to ask him again about the question of Judah and Ephraim, because it was clear to me that this must be something important.

Stories Adriana

On this page you can find al the stories about  Adriana and her life with Yeshua and her love for Israel.
adriana israel