Thursday, 02 May 2024

Again to Israel, continued-2


ust when I wanted to ask him about this I felt a heaviness come over me and spoke the Lord to me; No, don't ask!  We got up and wanted to walk back down the high stairs of the post, when our guide suddenly turned around and asked; Do you have a little time, because then I can tell you something about Judah and Ephraim. So that was it, the Lord wanted to make it clear to me that this emanated from HIM! We walked back and sat down again.

My heart raced with excitement and I returned my video camera to record mode. Our guide brought his harp and said; Sometimes you can hear him sing. He lifted it high above his head and truly beautiful sounds came out that sang away in this unbelievable silence. Then he began to explain by his harp the story of Judah and Ephraim. With tears in my eyes I was able to capture his story on my camera. For the 5th time the Lord had determined me here, I prayed softly, Lord please explain it to me very clearly!!

Our last visit on this trip was Eilat, led to the Shelter by Jhon and Judy Pex. This time we were going to meet them and we were really looking forward to it. We had the plan to support them, and already brought a nice amount for them. We wanted to record an interview to introduce our home front to this beautiful evangelistic work. It moved me that Judy told me that for many years now she and her husband John had been preaching the gospel for 'Alle Natien' there, but that she now also wanted to reach her own people, the Jewish people.

johnpexShe clearly told this with tears in her eyes. In my mind came the vision that the Lord Jesus had shown me prior to the commission to plant a church, and that He let out a cry from His heart because of the deep desire that His own people would come to recognize Him as the Messiah. Confirmation to me that this was God's work. We could hear and experience it up close. We saw Russian immigrants doing Bible study together in a corner of the Shelter. We witnessed the evangelization service on Friday evening which was translated into many languages. And then the famous BIG pot of food, cooked by John himself. was carried inside. And yes there was a plate full for everyone and I'm talking about an average, if we counted, of 60 people. The days in Eilat we also stayed in the Shelter. Neat, clean and practical.

The morning of our departure we received a special couple at our breakfast table, namely. the author of the booklet 'Fifty years after Auschwitz' Leny Zomerdijk and her husband. The booklet was about a report of an earlier conference held in Berlin and Evian les Bains (1938 and 1988). She gave me the last copy of her last edition that she still had with her after hearing our story and testimony. She wrote a nice word of encouragement in the front. There was no other way, this too was an encounter organized by God. Around noon we were taken to the airport by John. During our flight home I read the book in one breath. What an impressive report! And what a lot we had to tell when we got home. We landed safely in Amsterdam/Schiphol and thanked God for this great trip.

Stories Adriana

On this page you can find al the stories about  Adriana and her life with Yeshua and her love for Israel.
adriana israel