Saturday, 04 May 2024

Bring Me Benjamin


he music no longer attracted my attention, I closed my eyes and became silent before the Lord. When I opened my eyes again I found myself at the back of very large hall, it looked more like a entrance of some great cathedral. Impressive with high windows, In the distance I saw two high big doors. While I'm looked around and wondered where I was, I heard voices and saw figures walking in the distance. One figure was clearly in the middle and on either side I saw several figures walking one after the other.

I asked the question; Who is that Lord? And just like you can bring out the picture with the lens of the camera, so I got a bigger picture of what was happening in the distance. I saw the man in the middle, He wore a royal cloak around his shoulders, heavy beacause of so much blood in which he seemed to be drenched. on his head a crown of gold, with through it an image of a crown of thorns. It became clear to me that this had to be Jesus. I look fascinated for a while. I saw that they stood still as they arrived at the doors.

jesusThe man in the middle, who I was now convinced was Jesus, took the knob of the door in His hand, I held my breath. Was I here now shown the coming of Jesus to earth? But unfortunately, He did not open the door.The picture started to play again before my eyes. Every time I saw them only from back to front walk. suddenly I seemed to be closer to Jesus, and I asked Him, Lord, what is stopping You from opening the door? (for I understood that with the opening of the door, He would indeed come to earth) Then He turned His head back, looked over His shoulder, I saw only half of His face hanging down sadly and opened His mouth, and there came out of His mouth a cry, which went through the marrow and bone, crying with a sob;'BRING ME BENJAMIN'

After this loud, sad cry, I was back in my living room and still sitting on the couch. I noticed that it was now the Holy Spirit who came close and opened my mind and heart to the explanation of this special vision.

Stories Adriana

On this page you can find al the stories about  Adriana and her life with Yeshua and her love for Israel.
adriana israel