Saturday, 04 May 2024

Continuation of this day



hen we drove on and we stopped at a beautiful shop where the most beautiful souvenirs were sold. There we bought the Shofar for our congregation. We were also invited to watch a film in a separate room under the building. It started by showing how the first Jews in the late 1800's started building on the incredible rocky outcrops, of which Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu once said; No farmer would let his goat graze there!  After persistent sweating and suffering, but with singing, the first village there was built in collaboration with the Arab neighbours, who were of course also invited to the opening.

Admiringly, we watched all these heroes, until we saw something horrific happen. The so-called new Arab friends with whom they had lived well now surrounded the village and were the first to shoot the Jewish men, mothers, children and the elderly herded in a deep hole outside the village and gave them weapons and forced them to shoot each other. If they didn't, they still did it for them. Then they burned the whole village and started celebrating!! We were petrified watching this. This is where the movie ended. We couldn't say a word..

It was dead quiet! Sondra stood motionless, looking at us with revealing eyes. It took a while before we fully realized what she wanted to say to us; Look, if we don't stand up for ourselves, this will continue to happen! We understood..... unfortunately nothing has changed until today.

Stories Adriana

On this page you can find al the stories about  Adriana and her life with Yeshua and her love for Israel.
adriana israel