Friday, 03 May 2024

God works in mysterious ways!


didn't have my own place at the lunch table, but I could sit where I wanted and where there was room, so I got many nice and beautiful contacts with students from all parts of the world who wanted to give the love for Israel and the Jewish people a big place in their ministry, just like me. And I was also allowed to have special conversations with the participating travel groups. I could express my love to young and old people and that had also been my desire. The Feast of Tabernacles was just around the corner and a special group of intercessors came every year from all parts of the world to bless the messianic congregations. And today they were to visit Carmel. That morning a breakfast table was set and it was announced that the Staff was expected in the great hall of the church. So not for me I thought as a volunteer.

As the morning progressed, I noticed that the ground floor where I did my work was getting very quiet. Suddenly a student entered the hall and saw me busy with my work, and asked me if I had already been in the church hall? No I wasn't, but should I have gone there, I didn't belong to the Staff, did I? Mistake! Totally misunderstood! As fast as I could I took off my apron and walked to the hall of the large church building.

corrietenboomUnfortunately, I could see that the meeting had already ended. Here and there a few small groups stood talking to each other. Disappointed I took a seat on the bottom step of the big stage, there was still a nice atmosphere. A sister came up to me and asked if anyone had already prayed with me and if I wanted to? Well, I wanted to, I really wanted to!

She called in some more sisters and they began to pray for me and not only that but also began to prophesy over me, anointed my head and hands and blew the shofar. What happened next shook me and I fell to the ground. She literally repeated the words the Lord had spoken to me in a vision in the late 1990's; 'Bring Me Benjamin, the generation of the Jewish people who live NOW' That these completely unknown people literally said this about me, unbelievable!! What she prophesied next was at least as special, namely. : God is going to use your progeny as he used the Ten Boom family. Those were rather special words, I was really dumbfounded. The devil wanted to withhold this blessing from me, but the Lord arranged for someone to come and warn me so that I would be confirmed in my mission and calling. I sat there in the hall for a while, I had to process this, Lord, what a wonderful God you are!  Thank you.

Stories Adriana

On this page you can find al the stories about  Adriana and her life with Yeshua and her love for Israel.
adriana israel