Friday, 03 May 2024

Looking for a job

looking job


veryday reality stared at me, after this great time in Israel it was now time to start building a future for myself. There were big problems to solve. I had to look for a job and draw up a plan to settle all outstanding bills. While reading the regional magazine I came across an advertisement; Ironer wanted. I showed it to my sister and said with a laugh, I don't hate ironing. I was allowed to apply for a job and was hired immediately. It turned out not really next door, but an hour's bike ride to an industrial area unknown to me. Yes ironing was the main task, but it was actually a large launderette of a well-known food chain throughout the Netherlands. Bags full of dirty worn clothes from all branches were brought there. Also bags with dirty tea towels Polo shirts etc.

Downstairs was the washingmachine and upstairs was ironing and folding. We then walked up a high, steep staircase with clean crates. It took some getting used to after years of working in a beautiful clothing store. Still, I happily hopped on my bike every day and thanked God for this job. I had nice colleagues and was often allowed to have conversations about the Bible. A colleague confided in me one day that she was so sad because her husband had been unemployed for so long. He missed his job and a good salary. My colleague did what she could to keep things going with side jobs. When she told this, tears were in her eyes and I felt a touch for her. I asked her if I could pray for this matter, and that we have a mighty God who can help.

She would like that and added that she would also pray. This was a surprise to me because she had never talked about faith. A few months later we were cycling home together and she asked me to stop for a while on the way. My first thoughts were; did I do or say something wrong? But no, she took a large package from her side bag and handed it to me. I was totally surprised what would that be? Unpack! she said. And to my great surprise a very cool rain suit came out, blue with white cow spots. I had once told her that I had seen that in a bicycle shop and that I thought it was so funny, but also very expensive, so I just left it hanging. I looked at her questioningly, why this gift?

Well my husband has found a very good job that he is so happy with. Completely in his field, and already said months ago; If her prayer helps, I will buy her a gift from my first salary. I didn't expect this at all and didn't know what to say. Well how sweet.. but we prayed for it together. Let him thank God, He has answered our prayers.
With a song of thanks in my heart I cycled further home.

Stories Adriana

On this page you can find al the stories about  Adriana and her life with Yeshua and her love for Israel.
adriana israel