Saturday, 04 May 2024

Our 1st visit to a Settlement

1e bezoek nederzetting


fter this we drove to the settlement with which we would make contact.We will not mention the name for security reasons. It was a beautiful settlement with largely self-supporting We were welcomed by a lovely family. Also the mayor of this settlement had come to get acquainted.

In the cozy room with lots of plants we felt right at home. We got an extensive tour of the site. Good air conditioning was desperately needed in the children's areas of the school. A small playground could also use some nice devices, after all it was the only amusement for them here in the middle of the desert. We were happy that as a municipality we could use the Banier could offer a nice contribution for this. And so we had another good and beautiful project completed. With great impressions went back to Jerusalem.

Alice from our congregation who also went along, was friends with a mother and daughter who made alia had traveled to Israel through Ebenezer Exodus, an organization well known to us. We also wanted them support them in their new existence. We were received so sweet and hospitable, it moved them and us!

We had been through a lot. Our visit to the Garden of the Tombs, the Mount of Olives. With other messianic believer may pray for the peace of Jerusalem in a prayer room that is also just like our congregation the Banner was called. So many people allowed Meet. There was a lot to tell on our 'home front' One more night's sleep and then we would be picked up by a shuttle bus that would take us to the airport in Tel Aviv. Shalom Jerusalem, Shalom Israel!

Stories Adriana

On this page you can find al the stories about  Adriana and her life with Yeshua and her love for Israel.
adriana israel