Friday, 03 May 2024

Our divorce

john leave


imes of trial had left their marks. Through a buyout arrangement of John his business, he came to sit at home at a fairly young age. For some this was a blessing but not for John. He felt discarded by this company where he was practically all his life. People in our area were told this and increasingly asked John to do odd jobs for them in and around their homes. He always found it difficult to say no, so he was rarely home during the day. Unfortunately, he also often stayed longer in the evening with these people, and a beer was always there ready for him.

Eventually I started to say something about it, but it didn't go down well soil. Talking about it normally was no longer possible in the long run. Anger and aggression were on the order of the day. We lived completely past each other. It had none for me want more to stay together, I wanted to leave!

I had asked my sister and brother-in-law to pick me up if John wasn't home, because I knew that he wouldn't just let me go. And that turned out to be the case. He asked me one more time not to leave, but my decision was firm. A journey of 40 years of marriage has come to an end. My sister and brother-in-law drove up our street on time and took me to their beautiful mansion where I could safely recover from the tensions of recent years, It would be a stay of almost 2 years!

Stories Adriana

On this page you can find al the stories about  Adriana and her life with Yeshua and her love for Israel.
adriana israel