Saturday, 04 May 2024

Sent with a mission! (continue)


n the mid 90's, The congregation we were part of grew considerably and it was even considered to have 2 services per Sunday. For us  that means also more work in the Church! It seemed logical to us to live closer to our church, given the distance and time. But how strange things can go. There had been turmoil in the congregation for some time regarding an impending divorce from a missionary couple. It was sensitive because we were closely connected with them. After a while they were asked to leave the congregation. It was also the same conclusion for many church members, do we stay or leave this now familiar place?

There had been several difficult cases between churchleaders and churchmembers in the past . Less than a month after we moved, we were again without a church. Many young people in particular had left the Church because of this situation, which led us to the decision to open our home as long as they did not find a new congregation. There was even more connection between us, and along the way several found a new congregation. That God's ways are inscrutable became apparent from an experience I had one evening at that time.

I was home alone and needed a time of worship. I putting on a videoconcert by Paul Wilbur recorded during The Feast of Tabernacles in Jerusalem, Israel. Wonderful music that brought me into the presence of the Lord. Until suddenly I heard a voice that said; "Climb up here and I'll show you what takes place here in heaven!"

What do you say Lord? Didn't you say that to your discipel John too? What I was allowed to see and hear after that would change my life completely.

Stories Adriana

On this page you can find al the stories about  Adriana and her life with Yeshua and her love for Israel.
adriana israel