Saturday, 04 May 2024

To Jerusalem! - (continue)


er name was Chana. She asked us if we came from the west of the Netherlands, to which we nodded in the affirmative. and that someone during a prayer meeting had prophesied that God would send four women from the west of the Netherlands to encourage them and would pray for them! Not only was she deeply impressed by our presence, but we were also.We now understood why the Lord had laid upon our hearts not to go together, but to ask two more women.In the week that followed we prayed for every volunteer who wanted to do this. Thankful we were that God on this wonderful way our trip had confirmed

jw 4womenThe next day we visited Jan Willem v.d.Hoeven and his wife Ellen.Jan Willem is director of I,C.Z.C and worked for years as pastor in The Garden Tomb in Jerusalem.We were also allowed to give a gift to them on behalf of the congregation as support for the Feast of Tabernacles to be celebrated the following week.They took us to the Sultans Pool in the heart of Jerusalem where they were already busy setting up the stage.Then Jan Willem showed us other special biblical places. It was an impressive day when we prayed together in many places for the Peace of the Land and especially for Jerusalem!

When I opened my bible in my hotel room at the end of the day, my eye fell on a special scripture Ezekiel 40:4 where it says;

The man said to me, "Human being, look with your eyes, hear with your ears, and pay attention to all the things I am showing you; because the reason you were brought here is so that I could show them to you. Tell everything you see to the house of Isra'el."

My heart started beating faster, what were we going to experience next?

Stories Adriana

On this page you can find al the stories about  Adriana and her life with Yeshua and her love for Israel.
adriana israel